Both starboard and clownboard use the exact same commands for configuration. To set up the clownboard use clownboard in your commands as shown below.

Basic Setup


Unlock the Starboard

Used to unlock and lock your starboard, this command is used to temporarily block new starred posts. It is automatically set to locked.

starboard unlock
clownboard unlock

Set the Starboard Channel

Set the channel that starred messages will be reposted to.

starboard set #stars
clownboard set #idiots
Don’t confuse this command with starboard channel.

Set the Threshold

This is the number of reactions it takes before bleed reposts the message. The minimum threshold is 3.

starboard threshold 4
clownboard threshold 5

Set the Emoji

This is the emoji that bleed will watch for when deciding to repost a message to the starboard.

starboard emoji 🌟
clownboard emoji πŸ’€

Basic Setup