administratorAllows the user to perform all administrative actions.
ban_membersAllows the user to ban members.
kick_membersAllows the user to kick members.
manage_guildAllows the user to manage the guild.
manage_channelsAllows the user to manage channels.
manage_rolesAllows the user to manage roles.
manage_messagesAllows the user to manage messages in text channels.
view_audit_logAllows the user to view the audit log.
manage_webhooksAllows the user to manage webhooks.
manage_expressionsAllows the user to manage emojis.
mute_membersAllows the user to mute members in voice channels.
deafen_membersAllows the user to deafen members in voice channels.
move_membersAllows the user to move members in voice channels.
manage_nicknamesAllows the user to manage nicknames.
mention_everyoneAllows the user to mention everyone in messages.
view_guild_insightsAllows the user to view guild insights.
external_emojisAllows the user to use external emojis.
change_nicknameAllows the user to change their nickname.