
Setting the DJ role

You can set a DJ role which restricts who can control the music player.

,settings dj (role)

Auto play similar tracks

You can toggle auto play which will automatically play similar tracks when the queue is empty.

,settings autoplay (on or off)

Queueing Music

You can queue music with the play command.

By default, the play command will search Deezer. You’re able to provide a URL which will queue the music directly from the source you provide.

,play (query or URL)

Managing the Queue

Viewing the tracks in the queue

Use the queue command to view the tracks in the queue. Each track has a corresponding position which can be used to interact with the queue.

Removing a track from the queue

Use the queue remove command to remove a track from the queue. You must provide the track position which can be found with the queue command.

,queue remove (position)

Moving a track in the queue

Use the queue move command to move a track in the queue. You must provide the current position and the new position.

,queue move (position) (new_position)

Controlling Playback

You can control playback with the following commands

Music Filters

You can use an equalizer preset to adjust how the audio sounds.

You can view which presets are applied with the preset active command.

preset softCuts high and mid frequencies, allowing only low frequencies
preset 8dCreates a stereo-like panning effect, rotating audio for immersive sound
preset chipmunkAccelerates track playback to produce a high-pitched, chipmunk-like sound
preset boostEnhances track with heightened bass and highs for a lively, energetic feel
preset vaporwaveSlows track playback for nostalgic and vintage half-speed effect
preset vibratoIntroduces a wavering pitch effect for dynamic tone
preset pianoEnhances mid and high tones for standout piano-based tracks
preset metalAmplifies midrange for a fuller, concert-like sound, ideal for metal tracks
preset flatRepresents a neutral EQ setting with default levels across the board
preset karaokeFilters out vocals from the track, leaving only the instrumental
preset nightcoreAccelerates track playback for nightcore-style music

Music Sources

  • Deezer
  • Spotify
  • SoundCloud
  • Apple Music