Configuring the antiraid system

Preventing mass joins

This module will trigger when the number of accounts joining the server exceeds the threshold within a short time frame.

Whenever the threshold is reached, the server will be placed in a raid state. This will temporarily disable intensive events which bleed dispatches, such as welcome and goodbye messages.

,antiraid massjoin (on or off) [--threshold (number)] [--do (action)] [--lock (true | false)] [--punish (true | false)]

Requiring an avatar

This module will trigger when an account joins the server without an avatar.

,antiraid avatar (on or off) [--do (action)]

Setting a minimum account age

This module will trigger when an account joins the server that is younger than the specified age.

The threshold flag is the numbers of days for an account to be considered old enough.

,antiraid age (on or off) [--threshold (number)] [--do (action)]

Exempting accounts from the antiraid

You can exempt accounts from the antiraid with the antiraid whitelist command.

You can use the antiraid whitelist view command to view all whitelisted accounts.
,antiraid whitelist (user)

Viewing the antiraid configuration

You can use the antiraid config command to view the current antiraid configuration.

What to do after a raid


Cleaning up

After a raid, it’s recommended to clean up the server by removing all the accounts that joined during the raid, you can do this with the recentban and raid commands.

The duration parameter must use the proper format, you can learn more here.

,recentban (amount) <reason>
,raid (duration) (kick or ban) <reason>

Disabling the raid state

After the raid is over, you can disable the raid state with the antiraid state command, this will re-enable events, unlock channels, and allow accounts to join the server.