Manually reacting to a message

You can use the reaction command to react to a message with bleed.

,reaction (message link) (emoji)

Creating a reaction trigger

You can create a reaction trigger with the reaction add command.

Common words such as hey are not allowed as triggers, as they cause heavy load on the bot.

,reaction add (emoji) (trigger)

Viewing who added a reaction trigger

You can use the reaction owner command to view who added a reaction trigger.

,reaction owner (trigger)

Removing a reaction trigger

You can remove a reaction trigger with the reaction remove command.

If you’re struggling to remove a reaction trigger, refer to the selection removal.
,reaction remove (emoji) (trigger)

Removing all reactions for a trigger

You can remove all reactions for a trigger with the reaction removeall command.

,reaction removeall (trigger)

Reacting to every message

If you’re interested in having reactions on every message, you can use the reaction messages command. This is useful for channels like #selfies where messages can be voted on.

The channel must either be set as imgonly or have a slowmode of at least one minute.

,reaction messages (channel) (up to three emojis)

Removing all message reactions

You can use the reaction messages command without emojis to remove all reactions.

,reaction messages (channel)