
Command aliases allow you to create custom commands that run other commands. This can be useful for creating shorter or more memorable commands for your server. For example, you could create an alias that runs the role command with a specific role.

Creating an alias

You can create an alias using the alias add command.

,alias add (shortcut) (command)

Predefined arguments

You’re able to use predefined arguments in your aliases, however, if you want to use the user’s input as an argument, you have to use {}. Keep in mind that the first argument is {0}, the second argument is {1}, and so on, it doesn’t start at {1}.

,ban @jonathan Harassing Members
// {0} would be @jonathan
// {1} would be Harassing Members

Below is an example of an alias that uses predefined arguments:

,alias add shh timeout {0} 10m
,shh @jonathan

This alias would run the timeout command with the first argument being @jonathan from the user’s input and the second argument being 10m as predefined.

Making a command to grant image permissions

If you’re interested in creating a command that grants image permissions to a user, you can use the following alias which invokes the role command with the predefined image role.

,alias add pic role {0} @image-role
,pic @jonathan

Removing an alias

You can remove an alias using the alias remove command.

,alias remove (shortcut)