Why use fake permissions?

Fake permissions negate the possibility of a rogue moderator using a script which floods the Discord API and mass bans all members, or any other harmful action. It’s a security measure which ensures that your server can’t be nuked whatsoever.

How do fake permissions work?

When a moderator is given fake permissions, such as ban_members, they will be able to use the ban command with bleed, but they won’t be able to use the native Discord ban feature.

Getting command permissions

You can locate the required permissions for a command with ,help (command).

Setting up fake permissions

The following commands can only be used by the server owner.

  • manage_messages - Allows the moderator to delete messages.
  • moderate_members - Allows the moderator to timeout members.
  • manage_nicknames - Allows the moderator to change nicknames.
  • kick_members - Allows the moderator to kick members from the server.
,fakepermissions grant (moderator role) manage_messages, moderate_members, manage_nicknames, kick_members