What is Starboard?

The starboard is a channel where members can react to messages and after a certain number of reactions, the message will be reposted to the starboard channel.

You can create two starboards, both starboard and clownboard use the same structure.

Getting started

Before you run any commands, it’s important to use the starboard unlock command. Otherwise, messages will not be reposted to the starboard channel. You can use starboard lock to temporarily stop messages from being reposted.

Setting the starboard channel

You can use the starboard set command to set which channel messages will be reposted to.

Ignoring channels, roles, or members

You can ignore certain channels, roles, or members within your server to prevent their messages from appearing on the starboard.

If you no longer want to ignore the channel, role, or member, you can re-run the command. Alternatively, you can run starboard ignore list to view all ignored channels, roles, and members.

Customizing the starboard

Changing the reaction threshold

You can change the minimum number of reactions a message needs to be reposted.

Changing the emoji to watch for

You can set the emoji that members need to react with for a message to be reposted.

By default, this emoji is set as for the starboard and 🤡 for the clownboard.

Allowing self-starring messages

You can allow members to star their own messages with the starboard selfstar command.

Customizing the message displayed

You can customize the message that is sent to the starboard channel.