How to create and send webhooks using bleed
What are webhooks?
Webhooks are a low-effort way to post messages to channels in Discord with a custom name and avatar.
Webhooks can be sent with embed code by using
in the message section. For help with this, join the Embed Support Server.Embed Scripting
Learn how to build and utilize embeds with bleed.
Create your Webhook
When creating a webhook with bleed, run the following command: webhook create (name of your webhook)
. You can change this name later within discord channel settings under “Integrations”.
Webhook Create
Make a note of your webhook identifier. This can be viewed with
webhook list
How to use your webhook
To use the webhook you just created, run webhook send (identifier) (message)
Webhook Send
Edit your webhook
To edit your webhook use webhook edit (messagelink) (new message or embed code)
Webhook Edit