Pinterest Feeds

pinterest add


Automatically repost pinterest content from a user into a channel inside your server.

Usage example

// add a pinterest user to a channel
,pinterest add #channel [username]
,pinterest add #feeds interpretin

//add a pinterest board to a channel
,pinterest add #channel [boardurl]
,pinterest add #feeds

pinterest message


Used to edit the message that is sent to your server alongside the pin. Supports raw text and embed code.



--pingable on

Allows bleed to ping roles and @everyone. Be careful!

Usage example

// pinterest message w/o parameter - raw text
,pinterest message [username] New post!

// pinterest message w/ parameter - embed code
,pinterest message [username] {embed}$v{description: New post!}$v{message:@everyone} --pingable on

pinterest embeds


Enables or disables bleed's deafult embeds when sending a pinterest post to a channel

Usage example

// disabling embeds
,pinterest embeds #channel off

// enabling embeds
,pinterest embeds #channel on

Last updated