Fake permissions

Fake permissions are finally here with Bleed, and now instead of giving users actual permissions, they can only use certain permissions through the bot to prevent any automated malicious harm to your server.


Note that you will need to be the Server Owner to run these commands.

To grant fake permissions to a role, run the following command:

// syntax
fakepermissions grant (role mention or id) manage_messages
// example
fakepermissions grant moderator manage_messages

To remove fake permissions from a role, run the following command:

// syntax
fakepermissions remove (role mention or id) manage_messages
// example
fakepermissions remove moderator manage_messages

After executing these commands, Bleed should prompt you with an embed showing that you have successfully granted/removed fake permissions to/from a role.

List of fake permissions available

(scroll down a little bit)


Benefit of fake permissions

Fake permissions are a great addition to antinuke because if your roles don’t have any dangerous permissions, a bot or untrustworthy/compromised staff member won’t be able to do anything.

Last updated