
User VariablesOutput
{user}Name and discriminator
{user.mention}User mention
{}Only return name
{user.tag}Only return discriminator
{user.avatar}User profile picture
{user.guild_avatar}User guild profile picture
{user.display_avatar}User available profile picture
{user.joined_at}User guild join date in UTC
{user.joined_at_timestamp}User guild join date in UNIX
{user.created_at}User account creation date in UTC
{user.created_at_timestamp}User account creation date in UNIX
{user.display_name}Current user display name
{user.boost}Returns yes/no if user is boosting guild
{user.boost_since}User initial guild boost date
{user.boost_since_timestamp}User initial guild boost date in UNIX
{user.color}User top role hex code
{user.top_role}User top role name, defaults to N/A
{user.role_list}User role list, defaults to N/A if none
{user.role_text_list}User role list in text, defaults to N/A if none
{}Returns a yes/no response if the user is a bot
{user.badges_icons}User profile badges w/ emotes, defaults to N/A if none
{user.badges}User profile badges in text, defaults to N/A if none
{user.join_position}User join position
{user.join_position_suffix}User join position with suffix
{}Shows users id


Guild VariablesOutput
{}Guild name
{guild.count}Guild member count
{guild.region}Guild voice region
{}Guild ID
{guild.shard}Guild shard ID on bot
{guild.owner_id}Guild owner ID
{guild.created_at}Guild creation date in UTC
{guild.created_at_timestamp}Guild creation date in UNIX
{guild.emoji_count}Guild emoji count
{guild.role_count}Guild role count
{guild.boost_count}Guild boost count
{guild.boost_tier}Guild boost tier, defaults to No Level if none
{guild.preferred_locale}Guild preferred locale
{guild.key_features}List of guild features, defaults to N/A if none
{guild.icon}Guild icon URL as a PNG, defaults to N/A if none
{guild.banner}Guild banner URL as a PNG, defaults to N/A if none
{guild.splash}Guild splash URL as a PNG, defaults to N/A if none
{guild.discovery}Guild discovery splash URL as a PNG, defaults to N/A if none
{guild.max_presences}Guild max presences amount
{guild.max_members}Guild max members amount
{guild.max_video_channel_users}Guild max video channel users
{guild.afk_timeout}Guild AFK timeout in seconds
{guild.afk_channel}Guild AFK channel, defaults to N/A if none
{guild.channels}List of text, voice & category channels, defaults to N/A if none
{guild.channels_count}Guild total channel count
{guild.text_channels}List of text channels
{guild.text_channels_count}Guild text channel count
{guild.voice_channels}List of voice channels
{guild.voice_channels_count}Guild voice channel count
{guild.category_channels}List of category channels
{guild.category_channels_count}Guild category channel count


Channel variablesOutput
{}Current channel name
{}Channel ID
{channel.topic}Current channel topic
{channel.mention}Channel mention
{channel.type}Channel type
{channel.category_id}Category ID that current channel belongs to, defaults to N/A if none
{channel.category_name}Category name that current channel belongs to, defaults to N/A if none
{channel.position}Current channel index on list
{channel.slowmode_delay}Current channel slow mode interval, defaults to 0 if delay off

Date & Time

Date & time variablesOutput
{}Current date in PST
{date.utc_timestamp}Current date as UNIX
{date.now_proper}Better formatted date in PST
{date.now_short}Short formatted date in PST
{date.now_shorter}Shorter formatted date in PST
{}12 hour timestamp in PST
{time.now_military}24 hour timestamp in PST
{date.utc_now}Current date in UTC
{date.utc_now_proper}Better formatted date in UTC
{date.utc_now_short}Short formatted date in UTC
{date.utc_now_shorter}Shorter formatted date in UTC
{time.utc_now}12 hour timestamp in UTC
{time.utc_now_military}24 hour timestamp in UTC


LastFM variablesOutput
{} username
{user.avatar} profile picture
{user.plays}Total scrobbles for account
{proper(user.plays)}Total scrobbles for account (formatted number)
{user.artist_crown}Displays crown emoji if user has crown for artist
{user.url}Profile URL for account
{author}Author name and discriminator
{}Author username
{author.nickname}Author nickname
{author.discriminator}Author discriminator
{}Current playing album title
{lower(}Current playing album title in all lowercase
{album.url}Current playing album URL
{album.cover}Current playing album cover
{}Current playing track title
{lower(}Current playing track title in all lowercase
{track.url}Current playing track URL (from
{track.spotify_url}Current playing track URL (from Spotify)
{track.release_date}Current playing track release date (from Spotify)
{track.duration}Current playing track duration (from Spotify)
{track.plays}Current playing track playcount
{proper(track.plays)}Current playing track playcount (formatted number)
{}Current playing artist name (from
{lower(}Current playing artist name in all lowercase
{artist.plays}Current playing artist plays (from local database)
{artist.url}Current playing artist URL (from
{artist.image}Current playing artist image (from Spotify)
{button}Adds a button below the embed


Level system variablesOutput
{level.new_rank}Member’s new level at time of level up
{level.user_xp}Member’s current XP


Boost variablesOutput
{boost.count}Amount of times user has boosted
{guild.boost.count}Overall guild boost count

Bump reminder

Bump reminder variablesOutput
{bumpreminder.last_user_bump}Shows the user who last bumped the server


Only available for bandm, softbandm, kickdm, warndm, jaildm, unjaildm, timeoutdm, ban message, kick message, etc.
Punishment variablesOutput
{moderator}Moderator name who performed action
{}Moderator username
{moderator.tag}Moderator discriminator (will always return 0 due to removal of discriminators)
{moderator.avatar}Moderator avatar
{}Return True or False if mod is a bot
{moderator.color}Moderator’s highest role color
{moderator.mention}Mention moderator
{moderator.created_at}Moderator discord creation date
{reason}Reason for punishment
{duration}Duration for a jail/unjail punishment
{invite_url}Invite url generated for punishment (softban)
{}The ID of the moderator that enacted the punishment


YouTube variablesOutput
{}Channel URL
{}Channel ID
{}Channel Name
{}URL of the newly uploaded video
{}Thumbnail URL of the newly uploaded video