

Unlock levelling (required)

The level system has to be unlocked before XP will be given to members.

levels unlock

Configure level roles

Level roles can be added to give users rewards for reaching a certain level.

levels add rolename rank
levels add @level 5 5

Configure your level message

The level message is what users see when they achieve a new rank and the type of message can be configured using the command below.

levels messagemode (option)

There are 4 options you can use for this command:

  • pm - sends the message to the users DMs.
  • context - sends the message to the channel the user was chatting in when they leveled up.
  • #channelmention - sends all messages to the mentioned channel.
  • none - disables level messages.

You can then customize the content of the message with the command below.

levels message Congrats {user} on the level up!

Blacklist roles and channels

Roles and channels can be blacklisted as per the needs of your server.

levels ignore #spam
levels ignore @jailed