Base Commands

With bleed, you can stream songs from multiple different sources to a voice channel. This can be done through the base play command.

If bleed doesn’t play your desired track, try including the artist. If that still doesn’t work, you can use a link!

Queueing a track

You aren’t limited to tracks with this command! You can use Spotify playlists as well. To queue a playlist, use the play (playlist link) command.

To view the current queue, you can use the queue command.

Viewing the current queue

Queue Subcommands

Setting a DJ role

When a member who didn’t start the music tries to control the player, they might get a warning saying only a DJ or an admin can control the player.

Setting a DJ role can be done by using the settings dj [role] command.

Setting a DJ role

Any member with this role will be able to bypass this restriction and control the player.


When your final track finishes, bleed will stop playing music. This can be avoided by turning on autoplay! Autoplay fetches tracks from Spotify that you might like based on your previous tracks.

You can enable this by using the settings autoplay on command.

Turning on autoplay

You can disable autoplay with the settings autoplay off command.


While listening to music with bleed, you can apply presets, like filters, to the track. This creates a unique listening experience that can be modified to fit your liking.

You can view all applied presets with the preset active command.
preset softCuts high and mid frequencies, allowing only low frequencies
preset 8dCreates a stereo-like panning effect, rotating audio for immersive sound
preset chipmunkAccelerates track playback to produce a high-pitched, chipmunk-like sound
preset boostEnhances track with heightened bass and highs for a lively, energetic feel
preset vaporwaveSlows track playback for nostalgic and vintage half-speed effect
preset vibratoIntroduces a wavering pitch effect for dynamic tone
preset pianoEnhances mid and high tones for standout piano-based tracks
preset metalAmplifies midrange for a fuller, concert-like sound, ideal for metal tracks
preset flatRepresents a neutral EQ setting with default levels across the board
preset karaokeFilters out vocals from the track, leaving only the instrumental
preset nightcoreAccelerates track playback for nightcore-style music

Music Management Commands

fastforwardFast forward to the desired position
rewindRewind to the desired position
volumeChange the player volume
pausePause the current track
resumeResume a paused track
skipSkip to the next track
shuffleShuffle the current queue
repeatChange the current loop mode
disconnectStop playing music and leave the voice channel