Vanity Roles
Vanity roles allow you to add an automatically assigned role whenever a user places your servers vanity URL in their status.
To use this feature, you need to invite bleed’s dedicated Vanity Bot. It is available to all users who have purchased bleed, and can be invited here.
Your server must be Level 3 (14 boosts) prior to inviting the bot.
Setup Commands
Once the vanity bot has been invited, you can begin the setup. Please note the vanity bot uses slash commands.
Commands | Usage |
/vanity set | Sets the vanity that bleed will watch for |
/vanity role add | Sets what role to give when the vanity is being used |
/vanity role remove | Removes the current role to give |
/vanity role list | Lists award roles |
/vanity award channel | Sets the channel where bleed sends the vanity message |
/vanity message | Sets the thank you message |
/vanity log channel | Sets the logging channel for add/removal of vanity |
/vanity view substring | Shows the current vanity bleed is looking for |
/vanity view message | Show the vanity thank you message set |
- Why are there two seperate bots?
To save resources on the main bot, and due to some Discord limitations regarding privileged intents.
- Does the vanity bot cost extra money?
No, it’s available to all users who have bleed and 14 boosts.
- Can I use prefix commands?
No, the vanity bot uses slash commands only.
- How do I know I’m inviting the real vanity bot?
The bot’s username is
bleed vanity#2079