Initial Setup



The first step to setting up VoiceMaster is to run the vm setup command.

voicemaster setup

This command will create a new category with two new channels, an interface text channel, which contains VC controls for users, and a Join to Create voice channel, which is used to create temporary VCs upon joining.

VC control interface shown in the newly created interface channel


VC Control Commands

All buttons in the interface channel have corresponding command variants listed below. All commands below, except voicemaster claim, require you to be the owner of the VC.

Commands with a * do not have a button on the interface, and ones with πŸ… require an active Tier 2 subscription.

vm lockLock your VC and prevent other members from joiningUsers with the administrator permission will bypass this
vm unlockUnlock your VC and allow others to joinN/A
vm ghostLock and hide your VC so other members cannot join nor see itπŸ… Tier 2 required
vm unghostUnhide your VCπŸ… Tier 2 required
vm permit*Allow a specific member to join your VCN/A
vm reject*Disconnect a member from your VC and doesn’t allow them to rejoinUsers with the administrator permission will be able to rejoin
vm claimClaim the ownership of a VC when the original owner has leftAnyone connected to the channel can run this command, be quick!
vm transfer*Transfer ownership of your VC to another connected userN/A
vm infoShow the configuration of your current VCN/A
vm limitSet the member limit in your VCMinimum is 1, max is 99
vm bitrate*Set the bitrate within your VCMinimum is 8, max is 384
vm rename*Rename the VCN/A
vm musicMute all members and set the VC to music-onlyMusic only VCs will not allow members to speak
vm roleSet a role to be assigned to members who join your VC. It will be removed upon them leaving the VC.Requires the manage roles permission