About Last.fm

Last.fm is a music tracking and statsitics site that watches what you listen to. By users linking their Last.fm accounts with Bleed, users can automatically update their current listening status, showcase their top tracks and artists.

Last.fm accounts that are marked as private will not be able to utilise some of Bleed’s commands due to the bot not having access to the data.

Last.fm Setup

To begin with lastfm, run lastfm login. Bleed will then direct message you (ensure direct messages are enabled otherwise this wont work)

Once you have recieved this dm, click “here” on the embed. This will take you to a connect application page on lastfm, simply press “allow access”

Once you have allowed access, you will be taken to bleeds website confirming authorisation, if the website displays there was an error doing this, run lastfm login again and retrace your steps.

Make sure that your spotify is connected in order for bleed to read what your current playing track is by pressing this button.

Once all of these steps have been completed, your lastfm should be ready to use with bleed once it completes indexing. This will be identifiable when bleed displays this message:

Brand new accounts take a few minutes to start scrobbling music.
Ensure your Last.fm login was successful by running the nowplaying command.

CommandWhat It DoesAliases
lf loginLogin and authenticate bleed to use your Last.fm account
lf logoutRemove your Last.fm account with bleed’s internal system
lf nowShows your current song playing from Last.fmnp, nowplaying, fm
lf overviewSee your statistics for an artistlf ov
lf color hex,rgb,etc or dominantSet embed color for Last.fm commands
lf vote artist albumVote for submitted album artworks to display on the Now Playing Command
lf toptenalbumsView your top ten albums for an artistlf tta
lf wktrackView the top listeners for a specific song by an artist (per server)lf wkt
lf globalwktrackView the top listeners globally for a specific song by an artistlf gwkt
lf playsalbumCheck how many plays you have for an albumlf playsa
lf playsCheck how many plays you have for an artist
lf wkalbumView the top listeners for an album (server)lf wka
lf globalwkalbumView the top listeners for an album globallylf gwka
lf soundcloudGives SoundCloud link for the current song playinglf sc
lf spotifyGives Spotify link for the current song playing
lf itunesGives iTunes link for the current song playing
lf scoreboardView the Last.fm server scoreboard (reactions)
lf globalboardView the Last.fm Globalboard (reactions)
lf scoreView your Last.fm score and statistics
lf favoritesView yours or a member’s liked tracks
lf whoknowsView top listeners for an artist in a serverlf wk
lf globalwhoknowsView the top listeners for an artist globallylf gwk
lf playstrackCheck how many plays you have for a specific artistlf playst
lf toptracksView your most listened to trackstrack, tracks, ttr, toptrack, tt
lf topartistsView your most listened to artistslf ta
lf urlSubmit your own artworks for an album cover
lf youtubeGives YouTube link for the current song playinglf yt
lf playsallCheck how many plays you have for every song on an album
lf hideHide users from appearing on whoknows commands
lf hide listView the list of all hidden members
lf recentforView your recent tracks for an artist
lf mostcrownsView a list of members with the most crownslf crownsall
lf crownsView a list of your crowns
lf customcommandSet your own custom Now Playing commandlf cc
lf cuscomcommand publicToggle public flag for a custom commandlf cc
lf customcommand blacklistBlacklist users from using their own custom Now Playing commandlf cc
lf customcommand blacklist listView a list of blacklisted custom command users for NPlf cc
lf customcommand listView a list of custom commands for NPlf cc
lf customcommand resetResets all custom commandslf cc
lf customcommand removeRemove a custom command for a memberlf cc
lf lyricsGets lyrics from Musixmatch for current song playinglf lyr
lf recentView your recent tracksrecenttracks, last, lp
lf tasteCompare your music taste between you and someone else
lf toptentracksView your top ten tracks for an artistlf ttt
lf recommendationRecommends a random artist from your library
lf collageView a collage of your most listened to albums
lf updateUpdate your Last.fm library
lf streakView your current listening streak
lf topalbumsView your most listened to albumstab, album, topalbum, albums, tl
lf whoisView Last.fm profile informationlf profile
lf playsCheck how many plays you have for an artist
lf reactSet server upvote and downvote reaction for Now Playing
lf playingSee what song everyone is listening to in a server
Donator Only CommandsWhat It DoesAlias
lf modeUse a different embed for NP or create your own
lf customreactionsSet personal upvote and downvote reaction for NPlf cr