Integrate your Spotify account with bleed to control your music using commands.
Initial Setup
Running the login command
To connect your Spotify account to bleed, you must first run spotify login
Subsequently, you will recieve a response from bleed, as shown in the image below. Click the link, then wait for the redirect to Spotify’s website.
bleed's command response
Grant bleed access through Spotify
After following the link, make sure to click “Agree,” as seen below.
Allowing bleed access to Spotify
Copy your code
Upon granting access to bleed, you will be redirected to bleed’s website. You will see a page with a code, which you’ll want to copy to your clipboard.
Put your code back into the command
Once you’ve copied the code to your clipboard, you can exit that page, and go back to the channel in which you ran the command. Once back, click the gray “Submit Code” button, and paste your code.
Putting code back into the command
Upon completion, you will see bleed’s response, shown below. You are now able to use commands listed below inside of your server, or other servers with bleed!
bleed's response upon completion
Control Commands
Commands below can be used after logging into your Spotify account.
spotify next
, require a premium Spotify account.Command | Usage | Notes |
sp next | Skip to the next song | N/A |
sp shuffle | Toggle playback shuffle | N/A |
sp pause | Pause the current song | N/A |
sp like | Like your current playing song on Spotify | N/A |
sp play | Immediately skip to the requested song | N/A |
sp queue | Queue a song | N/A |
sp repeat | Repeat the current song | N/A |
sp device | Change the device that youre listening to Spotify with | N/A |
sp unlike | Unlike your current playing song on Spotify | N/A |
sp topartists | Show top artists for the specified time frame | N/A |
sp seek | Seek to position in current song | N/A |
sp previous | Go back to the previous song | N/A |
sp vc | Play your current track in a voice channel | N/A |
sp volume | Adjust current player volume | This changes Spotify’s volume, not your device’s |
sp resume | Resume the current song | N/A |
sp toptracks | Show top tracks for the specified time frame | N/A |