Antiraid Massjoin

Antiraid Massjoin triggers when five (or more, depending on your threshold) members join a server within 1.61 seconds. From then on, all suspected raid accounts will be punished with the punishment you have set.

This command takes both the --threshold parameter, to define how many accounts it takes to trigger the antiraid, and the --do parameter to determine the punishment.


antiraid massjoin on
antiraid massjoin on --threshold 4
antiraid massjoin on --threshold 4 --do kick

Antiraid Defaultpfp

This module punishes users that have Discord’s default profile picture. This is useful as a lot of automated raid accounts do not have a unique profile picture set.

This command only takes the --do parameter for the punishment.


antiraid defaultpfp on
antiraid defaultpfp on --do kick

Antiraid Newaccounts

This module punishes users that have a new Discord account. A lot of raid accounts are freshly created, and therefore, this is an effective way to stop them.

This command takes both the --threshold parameter, to define how many days young the account has to be to trigger, and the --do parameter to determine the punishment.


antiraid newaccounts on
antiraid newaccounts on --threshold 4
antiraid newaccounts on --threshold 4 --do kick

I’ve been raided, what now?

  • If you didn’t have bleed’s protections enabled, make sure to enable them. You can remove the raid accounts from your server with the raid command.
raid (time) (kick or ban) (reason)

// Example 
raid 5m ban Suspected raid
  • If you did have protections enabled, congratulations! Your server is safe. Once you have verified that the raid is over, run antiraid raidstate off to remove bleed’s raid state.