What are the benefits of fake permissions?

Fake permissions restrict your moderator’s and administrator’s access to native Discord permissions, such as ban_members or manage_channels. This means that, for example, even though the ban_members Discord permission is not attached to that role, they can still use the ,ban command with bleed.

This negates the possibility of a rogue administrator or moderator using a script that spams the Discord API and mass bans all members or deletes all channels as they don’t have that permission. It makes nuking practically impossible.

How to Manage a Role’s Fake Permissions

You must be the server owner to run these commands. A full list of supported permissions can be found here.
// syntax
fakepermissions grant (role mention or id) ban_members
// example
fakepermissions grant @Moderator ban_members
// syntax
fakepermissions remove (role mention or id) ban_members
// example
fakepermissions remove @Moderator ban_members

Examples for Fake Permission Setup

fakepermissions grant (mod role) manage_messages

fakepermissions grant (mod role) moderate_members

fakepermissions grant (mod role) manage_nicknames

fakepermissions grant (mod role) kick_members

The above is just recommended and is not required. You can fully customize it to your server’s needs.