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chatgptInteract with the latest model of ChatGPT.chatgpt What is bleed?
lastfm modeEdit the embed that displays the song you are currently listening to when you use the nowplaying command.
lastfm (customreactions / cr / react)Edit the reactions that appear under the embed when you use the nowplaying command.lastfm customreactions 👍 👎
makegifTurn a video into a GIF.makegif https://bleed.bot/backflip.mp4
bleed cleverInteract with the latest model of cleverbot. bleed clever is the unique prefix for this command.bleed clever What is bleed?
transparentRemove the background from an image.transparent https://bleed.bot/epic_face.png
voicemaster ghostLock and hide your custom Voicemaster voice channel.
prefix selfSet your own custom command prefix across all servers that utilize bleed.prefix self j
tiktok addStream posts from a TikTok account to a text channel.tiktok add swa9in
instagram addStream posts from an Instagram account to a text channel.instagram add balls
Early access to features that are in development.