
Autoresponders are used to have bleed automatically respond with text or an embed to a trigger word or phrase. There are a lot of customisation options which will be expanded on below.

autoresponder add

This command is used to add an autoresponder to your server. Autoresponders can be either raw text or embeds.

Usage example

// adding a basic autoresponder without parameters
,autoresponder add [trigger], [response]
,autoresponder add welc, welcome to the server!

// adding a basic autoresponder with parameters
,autoresponder add welc, welcome to the server! --reply

// adding an embed autoresponder without parameters
,autoresponder add welc, {embed}$v{title:Weclome}$v{description: welcome to the server!}

// adding an embed autoresponder with parameters
,autoresponder add welc, {embed}$v{title:Weclome}$v{description: welcome to the server!} --reply

// removing an autoresponder
,autoresponder delete welcome

Available parameters



Makes bleed use discords reply function on the trigger message.


Makes bleed delete the trigger message after posting the autoresponse.


Makes bleed automatically delete the autoresponse after a set amount of time (6 seconds minimum).


Makes bleed respond if the trigger message is included anywhere in a sentance, rather than it having to be that exact message.


Makes bleed ignore the check for if your trigger message is already a pre existing bleed command.

Image examples

autoresponder role

This command is used to restrict certain autoresponders to certain roles only.

Usage example

// restricting the 'prices' autoresponder to staff
,autoresponder role [role] [allow or deny] [trigger]
,autoresponder role @staff allow prices

autoresponder channel

This command is used to restrict certain autoresponders to certain channels only.

Usage example

// restricting the 'prices' autoresponder to the #buy channel
,autoresponder channel [channel] [allow or deny] [trigger]
,autoresponder channel #buy allow prices

autoresponder update

Use this command to update the response for a pre existing autoresponder

Usage example

// updating an autoresponder
,autoresponder update [trigger], [new response]
,autoresponder update welcome, welcome to the server, check out #selfroles!

autoresponder variables

Returns a link to this documentations variables page (hyperlinked below).


autoresponder list

Used to list all autoresponses in your guild.

autoresponder reset

Used to delete all autoresponses in your guild.

Last updated