Getting started

This feature uses a dedicated bot due to some limitations with the main bleed bot. You can invite the dedicated bot by clicking here.

Your server must be Level 3 with at least 14 boosts prior to inviting the dedicated bot.

All commands are slash commands and can be accessed by typing /vanity in a text channel.

Setting the vanity to be monitored

You’ll need to set what vanity you want to monitor. You can do this by using the /vanity set command.

It’s recommended to prefix the substring with a / (e.g. /bleed).

Setting up roles to reward

You can use the /vanity add command to add a vanity reward.

If you no longer want to reward a role for a vanity, you can use the /vanity role remove command.

Viewing all roles being rewarded

You can use the /vanity role list command to view all roles being rewarded.

Setting up the award message

You can set a thank you message for when a user advertises your server in their status.

The message parameter can be raw text or an embed with dynamic variables.

Setting where the message is sent

You can use the /vanity award channel command to set where the message is sent.

Setting up the log channel

You can use the /vanity log channel command to log when a user adds or removes the vanity from their status.