Creating an auto responder

You can create an auto responder with the autoresponder add command.

The trigger and response must be separated by a comma (,).

The message parameter can be raw text or an embed with dynamic variables.

,autoresponder add (trigger, response) [--flags]

Available flags

The following flags can be used to customize the response

Removing an auto responder

You can remove an auto responder with the autoresponder remove command.

If you’re struggling to remove an auto responder, refer to the selection removal.
,autoresponder remove (trigger)

Restricting auto responders

Restricting to a channel or role

Toggle exclusive access for an autoresponder to a role or channel with the autoresponder exclusive command

,autoresponder exclusive (role or channel) (trigger)

Auto Responder Roles

Autoresponder roles are roles that are assigned or removed to members when they say a specific message.

It’s easy to confuse these commands! Running the add command again would undo the functionality of giving members roles.
,autoresponder role (add or remove) (role) (trigger)

Removing an autoresponder role

You can remove an autoresponder role by running the same command again. This action will reverse the previous configuration and remove the assignment or removals of the role