These variables are accessible throughout bleed and can be used in any command context which contains a message or embed code parameter (e.g. welcome, leave & goodbye)

{}The guild’s name
{}The guild’s ID
{guild.count}The guild’s member count
{guild.region}The guild’s voice region
{guild.shard}The guild’s shard ID on bot
{guild.owner_id}The guild’s owner ID
{guild.created_at}The guild’s creation date in UTC
{guild.created_at_timestamp}The guild’s creation date in UNIX
{guild.emoji_count}The guild’s emoji count
{guild.role_count}The guild’s role count
{guild.boost_count}The guild’s boost count
{guild.boost_tier}The guild’s boost tier, defaults to No Level if none
{guild.preferred_locale}The guild’s preferred locale
{guild.key_features}The guild’s list of features (possibly N/A)
{guild.icon}The guild’s icon URL as a PNG (possibly N/A)
{guild.banner}The guild’s banner URL as a PNG (possibly N/A)
{guild.splash}The guild’s splash URL as a PNG (possibly N/A)
{guild.discovery}The guild’s discovery splash URL as a PNG (possibly N/A)
{guild.max_presences}The guild’s max presences amount
{guild.max_members}The guild’s max members amount
{guild.max_video_channel_users}The guild’s max video channel users
{guild.afk_timeout}The guild’s AFK timeout in seconds
{guild.afk_channel}The guild’s AFK channel (possibly N/A)
{guild.channels}The guild’s list of text, voice & category channels (possibly N/A)
{guild.channels_count}The guild’s total channel count
{guild.text_channels}The guild’s list of text channels
{guild.text_channels_count}The guild’s text channel count
{guild.voice_channels}The guild’s list of voice channels
{guild.voice_channels_count}The guild’s voice channel count
{guild.category_channels}The guild’s list of category channels
{guild.category_channels_count}The guild’s category channel count