What are reaction roles?

Reaction roles are roles that are assigned to members when they react to a message. This can be useful for letting members choose unique roles or as a way to verify themselves.

Creating a reaction role

You can create multiple reaction roles for a single message with a different emoji for each role.

You can find the message link by right-clicking or holding down on the message and selecting Copy Message Link.

,reactionrole add (message link) (emoji) (role)

Removing a reaction role

You can remove a reaction role by using the reactionrole remove command.

You can use the reactionrole list command to see all reaction roles and their emojis.

,reactionrole remove (message link) (emoji)

Removing all reaction roles for a message

You can remove all reaction roles for a message with the reactionrole removeall command.

This is different from reactionrole reset which removes all reaction roles from the server.
,reactionrole removeall (message link)

Removing all reaction roles from the server

You can remove all reaction roles from the server by using the reactionrole reset command.

This CAN NOT be undone and will remove ALL reaction roles from the server.

Setting up a verification system

Reaction roles can be used to create a verification system where members must react to a message to gain access to the server.

In order for this to work, you’ll need to create a role that will be assigned to members when they react to the message, such as a Member role.

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